Friday, June 22, 2007

A way to Share.


Here it is...I finally am going to do the blog and PROMISE to keep it updated with all the goings on of the notorious Malenky (Arseny). For those of you who aren't familiar with that name...Matt started calling Arseny stinky malenky as a nick name and it just stuck for some reason. Malenky means "little" in Russian and because my husband knows just enough, Russian, Greek, and Spanish to get him in trouble, we tend to have little foreign phrases that float through our home. Malenky being one of them.

Sooooo....since this picture sharing blog is long overdue. You'll get to see various favorite pics throughout the last year or so and why we love them. But first I'll start with the most recent which I title the Mischief Maker. Arseny constantly tries to get into the bathroom. We of course keep it shut MOST of the time but to no avail he sometimes wins and gets his prize---the Q-tip container underneath the bathroom sink. The one after that is funny too. Arseny has the battery pack from Matt's Mac Laptop and he decided he was going to go Green and make his little car an electric one by plugging it into the trunk. This little car has been a wonder. He learned to walk with it. Within a week and a half of having this little car he had the courage to start walking across the room. All I wanted was for him to walk and now I'm busier than ever chasing him! Oh but it's soooo much fun. More pictures to come.

Mama H


layne (herman) said...

i am glad to see you doing the blog! looking forward to the future posts.

Shana said...

I love the Q-tip photo!! Levi does the same thing :)