We just got back from our vacation in the San Juan Islands. It was BEAUTIFUL there and we came home refreshed and golden brown from the summer sunshine---it was so hard to stay out of it...even on a cloudy day you were wearing sunscreen---or else! The weather was superb, not too hot and not too cool and there always seemed to be a breeze. We stayed on the outskirts of Friday Harbor in a farm house that had plenty of relaxing things to do. Amongst our little party was our dear friends the Sturgills, the Moyers and their little ones Aidan (our Godson) and their newest little one, Blaise and of course Arseny and I (because of Matt's new job he was unable to get the time off...so Matt stayed here in WW and had his own little vacation!) He didn't seem too dissapointed in that though, and I think he really enjoyed the time to himself. Apparently he did a lot of reading and sleeping in which is good because come baby #2 its all over---enjoy while you can!!!
OK, so back to our little vacation spot...There was a pond with a little boat, a small orchard, a big yard and deck, and a badmitten net that always seemed to be in use. We did a lot of relaxing and lounging in chairs, grilling and of course chasing the little ones around. It cooled off in the evening and deer would come up into the small orchard nearby. Some of the other things we got to do that week were, ride the ferry to Orcas Island, hike up trails at Lime Kiln State Park and we had a picnic lunch there, Arseny threw rocks at a little cove at the nearby San Juan park where Mike and Dennis put the Kayak in. Aidan got to go in the Kayak with his dad and Grandpa and saw seals swimming around. He now says Kak kak---which is Kayak! We spent time cruising all the little shops in downtown Friday Harbor and we got to see much of the Island by driving around. It was a ton of fun and definitely a place I would like to go back to. I learned that I depend on my husband more than I realize...he was dearly missed and Arseny learned a lot of new things...like holding mama's hand, how to climb "down" stairs, and how to share toys. He experienced bubbles for the first time, got to see boats and planes, and absolutely loved riding the Ferry boat. It was a great experience all around and we were thrilled we got to spend it with our dear friends and my Godson Aidan. Here are some pictures... The first is Arseny on the Ferry, then we have some pictures of us just kicking back with Dennis and of course there's always room for Ice Cream which Elizabeth treated us to one afternoon down at the harbor. More pics to come...