Well, week one was a whirlwind and week two was a little harder and now it's the end of week three and Matthew and I are feeling it. We officially are the parents of TWO children. Why is this so hard? People say going from one to two is the hardest thing you'll do...I think they may be right. I've learned this week (my first week at home with Arseny and Kyra alone---Matt went back to work) that you can do absolutely nothing but take care of kids. There is no getting online, cleaning the house, or making some various baked goods (not that I ever did anyway), even going somewhere downtown with the both of them can turn into a disaster--as I found out! If you attempt any of this it usually ends up an unfinished task and usually 2 out of the 3 of us are crying for some reason or another. Instead...we play ball, watch various educational videos, play with toys, read books, go for walks (thank you double stroller!) watch more videos--and try to hook up with other stressed out moms so that our children can play and get tired so they'll take naps. Speaking of naps...you might be thinking that I would somehow have some free time during naps...think again, for some reason these little guys sense that when one is sleeping that they (the other) must wake up. I kid you not...it's happened all week! My rant here is not ill intended...it's actually humorous at times (you have to make yourself laugh) and I think that I'll remember this time years from now and be happy I had the experience---It doesn't last forever.
So this week however, Arseny has...fallen off the couch after being told not to stand or jump on it repeatedly, has learned to climb up on EVERYTHING (he learned to use his step stool), then he stole a fork out of the dishwasher and boogied through the kitchen as fast as he could only to fall with it in hand (I was sure that one was a trip to the ER---although both eyes were intact) he's been confined to the stroller everywhere we go because when given the liberty to hold my hand and walk he pulls the old limp fish trick where he unsuccessfully tries to get away from me. He's been pulling hair, saying NO extra loud, and I could go on but he's basically just doing a very good job at being a one and half year old. However, he's struggling to figure out how to share mama with that little baby. I know all of this is normal with a huge adjustment but it's been a terrorizing week. Needless to say, I have spent the little time I've had thinking, reading, asking other moms and looking into how I can work to smooth over this transition and keep my very strong willed toddler entertained. I know it will get better---hopefully just soon TGIF! Daddy is home for the weekend!
Oh Anna! I can't imagine how busy you are, but I'm SURE you're doing a great job! I can't wait to see you!!
Oh Anna! I can't imagine how crazy it is, but I'm SURE you're doing a great job! I can't wait to see you!!!
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