Thursday, February 7, 2008

Tell a story in 6 words

I was listening to NPR today (yes, I listen to public a matter of fact I LOVE public radio). So their guests were authors who had collected 6 word stories from people all over. Apparently Ernest Hemingway was once prodded to compose a complete story in six words. He wrote "For sale: baby shoes, never used." Anyway, people used all sorts of different themes. Some gave accounts of their lives, many were spiritual, others were just funny. So I thought I'd write one for each of my babes and here's what I came up with:

For Arseny I wrote two:

"Nose scrunched, eyes squenched, best smile!" squenched a word? is now I guess. Arseny is really good at making the funniest smiles--especially cheesy camera ones. ok. and the other is...

"Born intense, still intense...turning two." No explanation needed here :)

For Kyra:

"Eyes open,, smile, smile."
I can't tell you how much of a difference it makes when you wake up to this. The first thing Kyra does is smile at you...not just any smile but the biggest gummy grin you've ever seen. It melts my heart.

Ok here's one from me:
"Life is amazing new every morning."

Have some fun and make up your own. you'll get on a roll and won't be able to stop...such fun!

1 comment:

Fr. Matthew said...

Always moving, growing in Faith,love